7 May 2007

Satoshi Kon Interviews

Interview 1: [27.04.07]
In the interview, Kon talks about the other writers who have indirectly influenced his work, such as Kurt Vonnegut and Philip K. Dick, and mentions that he is already writing the script for his next film. He expects this work, which he calls "a future folklore story," to be completed in about two or two and a half years. After he has completed several more feature films, Kon would also like to again direct a television series.
read the Tokyopop interview

Interview 2: [07.05.07]
Interview with Paprika director Satoshi Kon in Portuguese and in retranslated English. The interview covers his personal interests as well as his film and television work. Kon also reveals that his next work, previously described as a children's folk tale set in the far future, will have music playing a crucial role.
read the Papo de Budega blog interview